Thursday, January 13, 2011


There are lots of ways to earn money through the Internet. Don't be afraid this is legal. Every one can find out about this through internet. Just go to Google search bar and search Internet Money , after few minutes it will showing more than thousands of ways to earn money through internet. 

Just like this...

Posting ads..
Google ad sense. 

Work at home..
Data entry jobs.

View ads...
Paid per click.

View E-mails..
Paid per read mails

Play with money..
Paid for playing games.

Sher your opening with us.. 
Paid for filling online servers forms.

So i am going to discus about two, three things from this which is easy to handle every one who intruest this jobs.

Step # 1

Create your own e mail account with Google.

Some time now all ready have an account. But never mind crate a new account with given your correct personal details to Google. Such as Full name & Address, contact no.. because still Google is the No #1  in Marketing field. 

** If you don't no the steps follow the video clip..

Step # 2

Cerate your own online bank account with Alert pay or Pay pal.

Remember these are the most common banking sites. So to do this follow this links..  /

** If you need the help follow the video clip..

Now you have a E mail account & your own online bank account. Now you ready to earn money. Now i will give web sites address go through the following links and register with the site. (remember to give your correct details at every time)

Paid per click Jobs

Click on the Image & Register with following sites These are are Paid per click  jobs.
After register log in the site with your user name & password, and click on the View ads or Surf ads tab. Then the timer will start the top of the site, stay until the timing off for 30 seconds. Finally remember to log off from the site and close.


Paid Per Read E-Mails - Coming Soon